
Have you had one of those ‘pinch me’ moments recently? This was exactly how I felt when a tweet popped into my Twitter feed on Saturday saying that Bright.Bazaar had been included in a list of the Top 50 Interiors Websites, which was a feature running on the front-page of The Daily Telegraph’s weekend Property supplement. Excited yelping over, I rushed out to find a copy and to my delight I discovered that Bright.Bazaar had been named the 7th most inspiring interiors website in the world for design inspiration. Wowzers, talk about how to knock Mr. Bazaar’s socks off right there and then! I couldn’t believe it and actually felt quite emotional about it once it started to sink in. I’ve always hoped that my addiction to colour would rub off and perhaps inspire others to embrace hue more in their lives, so to be named by a major national newspaper as a must-visit site for colour and design inspiration was a very proud moment. Without a doubt, Bright.Bazaar wouldn’t be half as colourful, energetic or fun if it wasn’t for all of you following along and sharing in my ‘hooked on hue’ adventures! Just as I blogged back in March I really do smile when I think of the wonderful friendships and experiences blogging has brought to my life. It’s a public holiday here in the UK so I’m off to bake up a storm in the kitchen. Have a wonderful week, friends!

// Photography by Will Taylor


Will Taylor

Will lives in NYC and is an interior design author and content creator. He's been blogging about his love of design, style and travel since 2009. His #MakeYouSmileStyle approach to decorating and dressing has inspired over one million Instagram uploads to the hashtag from followers across the world.


  1. Congratulation, Will!
    You are such an inspiring and person energetic, Will, both here on Bright Bazaar, when you’re holdig a speach and when we met for a coffee!

    I will try to find that list to check out which other web sites/blogs you beat 😉 Good luck in the kitchen 😉
    // Emelie

  2. That’s fantastic and very much deserved! A celebratory cake is in order, I think! And a bottle of fizz, perhaps some bunting… x

  3. Caroline @trend-daily Reply

    Wowzle, wowzles Will-how fantastic! Huge congratulations! Xx 🙂

  4. Congratulations Will, that is wonderful news, and let me add, well deserved.

    Keep those colours and stripes coming, boy!

  5. Congratulations Will! Although I must say I’m not at all surprised. A wonderful blog by an equally lovely person. Now looking forward to the book 😉 x

  6. Congrats Will and well deserved! Bright Bazaar is indeed my daily read + inspiration for creative ideas. Of course I am super happy to seeing you and Mr. T again in December! yay to another fun bloggers meet up!

  7. What fun! Congrats to you, I don’s suppose you would be a real sweetie and check to see if I’m in there at No. 16, word has it I’m on the Telegraph website, but I missed the weekend paper with it all in. 🙂

  8. Congratulations!

    PS. Do you have that wallpaper (Fine Little Day?) at your wall? 🙂

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Hey, I'm Will

Welcome to Bright.Bazaar, my make-you-smile style corner of the internet. I’ve been sharing my love of beautiful design, feel-good homes, everyday style, inspiring travel and, pretty much everything in between, since 2009. As well as working as a content creator, I write interior design books and edit a bi-weekly e-newsletter called Smile Mail. I live in New York City with my heartmate and can often be found listening to Madonna’s Confessions album and dreaming up my next home renovation project.