Hey hey! I’m Will and I live with my husband in my absolute favorite place, New York City. Growing up in the English countryside I dreamed of becoming a theatre set designer, but when it became apparent that drawing the simplest of stick figures was a challenge, I attempted to channel my creative energy elsewhere. The problem was that ‘elsewhere’ soon became nowhere, and for years my creative energy struggled to find a home or a focus, leaving me feeling frustrated and confused as for how to exercise it.
By the time I graduated university with a Journalism degree in 2008 I’d discovered a love for interior design thanks to working in a design store to help fund my studies. (Continues below.)
And by fund my studies, I mean fund my partying, obviously…! The following year I started Bright.Bazaar from my bedroom and it’s been my online home ever since. Over the last decade plus that’s followed I’ve been sharing my make-you-smile style adventures in design, travel and style right here and over on the ‘gram, of course. Yes, I’m the undeniably extra one who matches his outfits to room designs and walls — and genuinely gets a kick out of it! I’ve written two best-selling design books (now published in twelve languages #proudmoment), released my own furniture product line, been named as a top thirty social media power player by Forbes (!), and made appearances as a design expert on Good Morning America.
Over the past three years I’ve been renovating a fixer upper beach house, and just moved into a new apartment in the city with my heartmate. If everyday life and style, inspiring interiors and design-led travel make you tick, then stick around and say hey!