Clorox ScentivaSummer is officially here: The pool cover is off at the beach house and the humidity is back! It’s not all chilling by the pool though, summer’s arrival means an uptick in guests at the beach house so it’s busy, busy getting it clean and ready for their arrival.

I love all the white tile in our guest bathroom but it can be hard to keep clean. When Clorox® Scentiva™ reached out with their new Fresh Brazilian Blossom wet mop pads I knew they would be perfect for helping me get all the tile in guest bath clean in time for guests.

If, like me, you want your house to smell clean as it looks, then these new Clorox Scentivia Fresh Brazilian Blossom wet mop pads are perfect. They are especially great if you have a white tiled floor, like our guest bath, as you can have them on hand to keep the tile sparkling and clean. I love how in it only takes a few minutes to do: I simply attach a pad to the mop and with a quick wipe over, the bathroom is looking fresh and clean ready for whoever is coming over. Its’s great that the room smells so great, too! I also use their Tuscan Lavender and Jasmine toilet cleaner, which smells so good.Clorox ScentivaHere are my top five ways to get your bathroom ready for guests:

1. Have a tray of travel sized toiletries
On the bathroom windowsill I have an antique metal tray from a thrift market. On the tray I place a selection of travel miniatures such as mouthwash, hand cream, sanitary products and some cotton buds. I tell my guests to help themselves should they need something while they are staying

2. Always have tissues to hand
I love how hotel bathrooms always have facial tissues to hand so I like to have them in our guest bath, too. A tissue box cover disguises any ugly packaging while still allowing you to offer your guests an alternative to having to use toilet paper while applying makeup etc.

3. Wet wipes and wet mops
Now, I always have some Clorox Scentivia disinfecting wipes and wet mop wipes on hand. I don’t always have to time to scrub the bathroom, and as it’s the guest bath and has less use, it doesn’t always need it. These wipes are ideal for this situation because you can just grab a wipe and go over the sink, taps and mop the floor to make the bathroom immediately more welcoming and cleaner.Clorox Scentiva4. Clear the junk from the medicine cabinet
I am guilty as charged: my medicine cabinet behind the sink used to be full to the brim of things I wasn’t using. I know someone is going to look inside the cabinet – we all have that nosey friend! So, my advice is to go through the medicine cabinet and get rid of anything out of date, and then donate all the shampoos and other cosmetics you are never going to use. In mine, I replaced all the junk with sunscreen, bug spray, some facewipes and then spare rolls of toilet paper.

5. Refresh the bathmat
Finally, the last area that always shows wear and tear are the bathmats, especially after the winter if someone came in with wet shoes. I find that if I add some stain remover to a normal wash then it usually brings that mats back to good. However, if yours was the past the point of no return, like mine, then refresh it. I choose a new one with the multicolored ticking and pompoms as I thought it added a splash of color to the white floor whilst not being overbearing.

What did I miss, how do you make your guests welcome?

// Posted in partnership with Clorox.


Will Taylor

Will lives in NYC and is an interior design author and content creator. He's been blogging about his love of design, style and travel since 2009. His #MakeYouSmileStyle approach to decorating and dressing has inspired over one million Instagram uploads to the hashtag from followers across the world.


  1. Gonna get the hubs to pick these up tonight. I’m one of those weirdos that always cleans the house on Friday night…. LOL rock and roll!

  2. These sound great. Still obsessed with your bathroom. 🙂 happy Friday will

  3. Kim Giddeon Reply

    I love how you always match the background….Adorbs dot com!!

  4. Your bathroom brings so much joy! Truly stunning use of color and patterns unlike all the other cookie cutter bathrooms out there.

    Coming from the hospitality industry, I have an affinity for hotel/villa companies who stock bathrooms or neighboring linen closets/cabinets with small electronics such as hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, steam iron, etc. Something I’ve slowly invested in for my house guests to use at their convenience. One less thing for your guests or appreciate if they forget to pack!

    • @Justin – Thank you! I love those suggestions, too — going to add a basket of those small electronics to the guest bedroom. Have a lovely weekend!

  5. So unique! Love the bright feel in this space! The shower backsplash tiles is to die for! Thanks for sharing this.

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Hey, I'm Will

Welcome to Bright.Bazaar, my make-you-smile style corner of the internet. I’ve been sharing my love of beautiful design, feel-good homes, everyday style, inspiring travel and, pretty much everything in between, since 2009. As well as working as a content creator, I write interior design books and edit a bi-weekly e-newsletter called Smile Mail. I live in New York City with my heartmate and can often be found listening to Madonna’s Confessions album and dreaming up my next home renovation project.